Zero Waste © Alexandra Gorsche

Tips for reducing food waste in the restaurant

In the restaurant industry, reducing food waste is an important issue. Not only from an ecological point of view, but also from an economic perspective, it is worth taking measures to reduce food waste. Worldwide, one third of food ends up in the rubbish. In the EU, an estimated 173 kg of food waste is produced per person. Converted to Austria, that is 143 fully loaded semi-trailer trucks every day. Food waste is a massive problem for the environment. And it means the loss of goods that have already been used. We will tell you how to start a better future in a cost-saving way:

  1. Create awareness: To reduce food waste, it is important to create awareness of the issue. Inform your staff about the importance of reducing food waste and train them in food handling. Also make your guests aware of the issue, e.g. by including references to sustainable cuisine on your menu or on boards in the restaurant.
  2. Planning and ordering: An effective way to reduce food waste is to optimise food planning and ordering. Make sure you only order as much as you need and plan your dishes to use as many ingredients as possible. Also, make sure to choose seasonal and regional products to minimise transport and protect the environment.
  3. Storage and preparation: Proper food storage can help extend shelf life and reduce waste. Establish a food storage system and train your staff in proper food handling. Also avoid unnecessary preparation of dishes, for example by cutting vegetables only when needed.
  4. Be creative with leftovers: leftovers can often be put to good use. Think about how leftovers can be used in new dishes. For example, leftover vegetables can be used in soups or stews. Even leftover bread or rolls can be used as croutons or breadcrumbs.
  5. Portioning: Over-portioning of dishes often leads to food waste. Make sure to serve appropriate portions, rather offer the option of a supplement and give your guests the opportunity to take leftovers with them. This way, your guests can not only eat more sustainably, but also enjoy your delicacies the next day.

Conclusion: Food waste is a big problem in the catering industry. By consciously planning, storing and recycling food, you as a restaurant owner or chef can make an important contribution to reducing waste and save money in the process.

3 Top Zero Waste Tips

Where to put so many apples?

Especially if you have your own garden, the harvest can sometimes be overwhelming. Not all produce can be used fresh straight away. Apples and other fruit are ideal for making jams, chutneys, mush, compotes, juices, teas and crisps. This way you can serve your apples to your guests all year round.

Äpfel © Alexandra Gorsche
© Alexandra Gorsche

Banana peels as an alternative to pulled pork?

Organic banana peels don’t have to end up in the rubbish. Use a spoon to scrape out the inner, white layer of the peel. Then tear the banana peel lengthwise into strips with a fork. Add oil, paprika powder and cumin. And then just sauté with onions, BBQ sauce – the meatless Pulled Pork alternative is ready! Your guests will be thrilled!

Bananenschalen im Müll © Alexandra Gorsche
Bananenschalen im Müll
© Alexandra Gorsche

Carrot greens: Please tear off? NO!

You can make a delicious pesto from carrot greens. But you can also spice up smoothies wonderfully with the greens or make a creamy soup. Just give it a try!

Karottengrün © Alexandra Gorsche
© Alexandra Gorsche

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