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Regenerative Food: A way out of crises and climate change?

The Food Report 2023 by Hanni Rützler regrettably refers to the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, which affect the entire food industry and thus the hotel and catering industry.

Sustainable food beyond organic

Finally a healthier planet! “Regenerative Food”, a trend that shows a way out of the crisis that still exists alongside the pandemic and the war in Ukraine: the climate crisis. Regenerative food production can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing dependence on synthetic fertilizers and creating healthy soils with high organic matter content and greater microbial diversity. Regenerative methods can also be easily adapted to different local conditions in conventional agriculture. These include the use of different plant varieties and cover crops, agroforestry and so-called rotation pastures, where cattle, sheep and goats only graze for certain periods of time to give the pasture plants and the soil time to recover. Healthy soils help restore the natural carbon cycle and increase the soil’s ability to sequester carbon, thereby combating climate change.

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