Galeriebild Real Omnivore

Real Omnivore

Trend forecast: Real omnivore stand for a balanced, sustainable diet, the guiding principle of which is not to do without. They are of curiosity. There is no fear of contact with food-tech innovations or unusual ingredients or foods – on the contrary, they are driven by curiosity to try out different and new things. They are the avant-garde who are putting our food culture to the test and driving it forward. The future is about a responsible eating culture that also includes the health of the planet. Responsibility and diversity are their maxims with which they will advance future developments in gastronomy, agriculture and the food industry and break the pattern of our eating habits.



Top 3 Food Trends


1. Insects

Insects are not only extremely resource-efficient farm animals, they are also very nutritious. Insects contain high quality protein, a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals such as copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, selenium and zinc. Those who shy away from cooking or processing with insects can use existing ready-made products. The Viennese company “Zirp Insects” wants to make people rethink their way of thinking and has brought various ready-made dishes and baking mixes onto the market for easy entry into the insect world: soup, falafel, risotto, oat loafs, bread mixes as well as brownies and pancakes. The insects were completely processed into flour. Trying pays off! The products taste delicious and help to make the world more sustainable.


2.  Fermotien

The Protein Brewery offers Animal-Free Protein. Dutch startup The Protein Brewery develops Fermotein, a proprietary animal-free alternative protein source. Fermotein production involves brewing non-allergenic crops and fungi with essential amino acids and fiber. The startup’s alternative protein has 10% fat and water binding properties, contributing to a meat-like taste. Fermotein is a pure ingredient with only brewed fibrous protein. The startup’s solution helps sustainable food developers save time in food as it does not need additional processing to adapt the taste for end products. Fermotein is a game changer in the food industry. Demand for animal-free food is growing every day. Integrating animal-free protein that succesfully delivers on different criteria has become a necessity.


Less land and less water

When it comes down to sustainability, Fermotein™ is unparalleled. Using only 1% of land and only 5% water compared to beef it has the lowest ecological footprint of all proteins — animal-based and animal-free. Battling climate change and hunger by brewing food proteins.


The Protein Brewery contributes to a more sustainable world by developing novel ways of producing food proteins, deploying fermentation technologies using locally produced, non allergic and water efficient crops. This way animal based food production can be reduced drastically. It contributes to reducing global warming, animal suffering, nitrogen emissions while also providing a solution to feeding a growing population towards 10 billion people in 2050.



3.  3D-Printing

Whether meat and fish, pasta or biscuits: With the help of food printing, food can be produced quickly, inexpensively and in a resource-saving manner. Instead of traditional manufacturing processes, innovative 3D printers are used.
Food printing has immense potential. Food that contains animal components in conventional production can now be produced using bio-printing on a purely plant-based basis (and therefore without climate-damaging emissions).


The advantages of 3D printing:
  • Creation of new, unique products
  • Individual adaptation of shape, color, structure, composition and taste
  • Resource-saving and animal-friendly production of animal based foods and in vitro meat
  • No unnecessary waste, no waste of food – even imperfect fruit and vegetables (such as crooked carrots or apples with small flaws) are processed into printing paste and then brought into a handsome shape
  • enormous savings in production costs and production time
Galeriebild Real Omnivore