Gastronomen und Hoteliers können sich gegen negative Bewertungen schützen. © Gerd Altmann/Pixabay

How hoteliers and restaurateurs can protect themselves against bad reviews

In the digital era, review portals have become important sources of information for potential guests. Unfortunately, bad reviews can affect the image of a hotel or restaurant business. The question is: How can restaurateurs and hoteliers protect themselves against negative reviews and improve their online image? In this article, we give hoteliers and restaurateurs practical tips on how to protect themselves against bad reviews and improve their online image.

  1. Excellent service as the best remedy:
    According to a 2021 study by BrightLocal, 87% of consumers write reviews online when asked. However, 70% only write a review if they were satisfied with the experience. Top-notch guest service is the best remedy for bad reviews. Satisfied guests are more likely to write positive reviews.
  2. Monitoring the ratings:
    It is important to regularly monitor the ratings on the variety of platforms. Set up notifications to respond quickly to new reviews. According to a 2021 survey by Podium, 57% of consumers expect a response to their reviews from businesses. Show that you take feedback seriously and take care of your guests by responding to all reviews, both positive and negative.
  3. Ensure the authenticity of reviews:
    Fake reviews can affect guest trust. Look out for suspicious patterns or reviews without comments. According to a study by the Marktwächter team of the consumer advice centre of North Rhine-Westphalia in 2020, 37% of the reviews examined were fake.
  4. Use the power of online marketing:
    Besides reviews, image can be improved through targeted online marketing. An appealing website, the presentation of offers and services on various platforms and reaching out to social media, can have a decisive impact on the desired target group. According to a 2016 study by Yelp, reviews with photos have 200% more trust than reviews without photos.
  5. Appropriately solicit reviews:
    It is important to get reviews from satisfied guests, but avoid excessive asking. A 2020 survey by Trustpilot found that 89% of consumers read reviews before making a purchasing decision. Avoid intrusive solicitation and make sure it is easy for guests to leave reviews.

Bad reviews can affect the image of a hotel or restaurant, but there are measures to protect against them. Excellent service, monitoring reviews, authenticity of reviews, use of online marketing and appropriate solicitation of reviews are crucial to improving online image. By following these tips, hoteliers and restaurateurs can strengthen their online image and gain the trust of potential guests.

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