Trendige Küchenprofis katapultieren die Technik aus Großmutters Zeiten direkt in die Zukunft. Foto beigestellt

Fermentation: comeback of an old technique

In times when restaurateurs and hoteliers are increasingly growing their own vegetables, old-school preservation is just right. Fermenting has several advantages: the food is preserved naturally, it does not require electricity for storage and the aromas released during fermentation are exceptional. And what’s more, the process is very simple and fits into every type of business, whether it’s an a la carte restaurant or a system caterer – the use of fermented products is not limited in quality and quantity. Mindfulness is important with salt, which is the basis of every fermentation – in granular form or as a brine. Too little promotes spoilage, too much makes the product difficult to use.

Rotes Kraut eignet sich perfekt zum Fermentieren. Foto beigestellt

Vegetables as the perfect basis

The most famous of all fermented foods in this country is sauerkraut. But chocolate, kefir, cocoa, beer, cheese and sourdough bread are also produced by fermentation. Many fermented foods can be found in Asian cuisine in particular. Like the Korean classic Kimchi – spicy pickled white cabbage. Or tempeh, which is made from fermented soybeans and is a popular vegan meat substitute. And miso has also gone through a fermentation process before it ends up on the plate.

In principle, all types of vegetables are suitable, but vegetables that are not too soft, such as cabbage, root vegetables, beans, beetroot, pumpkin or peppers, work particularly well.

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